Well, here we are in the last weeks of November, the beginning of the holiday crunch. 

If you've read my etsy info you'll know that I work full time in addition to being a soap creator and a mom. That's normally enough to keep anyone busy but this year I have the added pleasure of being the mom of a senior in high school. Where is the whincing emoji?

The result of all this is? You guessed it, stress, and a lack of time. I've resigned myself to work on my time management and find balance. But this is also a great time to talk about stress relief.

Can you think of anything more relaxing that those few moments you get alone in the bath? Sometimes even just in the bathroom itself 😉. It's a great little oasis from the demands and noise outside. Now imagine along with this quiet solitude, scent. What scent are you thinking? I'll bet most of you are thinking lavender.

Let me say, there are FDA regulations on claims people are allowed to make on their products. I'm no doctor and these soaps are not intended to be medicinal. 

That being said, if you Google lavender you'll see endless writings of the benefits of its stress relief and calming properties. Did you know it's also said to be a natural anti-inflamitory and bug repellant?

Adding a favorite scent to your quiet time is a great way to fight back at seasonal stresses. I find music is another great distraction, no, I'm not going to start writing songs. 

So the next time you're feeling overwhelmed, grab your music and your scented soap and head to a quiet place to escape, even if you're mom and that time is short. You'll feel better for it. As for me, I'm off to figure out college financing, applications and the price of a hot tub!
